Access rules and charging statement for Moyle Interconnector published

The Utility Regulator is today publishing approval of the access rules and charging methodology statement of the Moyle Interconnector.  Our approval follows consultations carried out by the owners of both the Moyle and the East West Interconnector.

Each year the Utility Regulator approves the rules and charging methodology which Moyle Interconnector adopts for those wishing to use the interconnector.  This is done in conjunction with Ofgem so that the rules involve the same requirements from both regulators.  At the same time the rules on the East West Interconnector are also approved by CER and Ofgem.  Since this is a SEM matter the approval is agreed by the SEM Committee.

The approval letter, access rules, charging methodology statement and European HAR related documentation are available here.

CER and Ofgem have also published relevant documents on their websites.

For further information on the Moyle Interconnector access rules, please contact and for the East West Interconnector access rules please contact James Curtin at

Copies of the documents will also be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.