Protecting consumers during the energy transition to net zero: Call for evidence

The Utility Regulator and Consumer Council for Northern Ireland today jointly launch a call for evidence on protecting consumers during the energy transition to net zero.

The Department for the Economy published their Energy Strategy – The Path to Net Zero in December 2021. The Strategy Action Plan included a requirement (Action 3) to assess the future need for the protection of consumers during the energy transition, including research into lessons learned in other jurisdictions.

Our call for evidence seeks views on:

  • General protection principles for all energy consumers regardless of what energy they are using or how they obtain it; and
  • Three consumer protection focus areas including: (i) Energy type or technology used; (ii) Business practices that impact consumer outcomes; (iii) Consumer type.

A lessons learned report on consumer protections in other jurisdictions can be accessed through this link.

We are seeking views from the wider energy sector, consumer groups, and individual consumers.

In conjunction with this call for evidence, the Consumer Council will also directly engage with a representative group of consumers to assess their views on future consumer protection requirements.

We are seeking views to the call for evidence on or before 01 March 2023. You may also provide your views through the CitizenSpace online portal.