SONI Governance: a Call for Evidence

Today we publish a Call for Evidence on SONI governance arrangements.

We now consider it appropriate to undertake a review of the governance arrangements of the electricity transmission system operator, SONI, to ensure the company is, and will continue to be, fit for purpose in securing the protection of the interests of consumers and other stakeholders.

This paper is the first stage in the review of governance arrangements.  At this stage, we are seeking views of all interested stakeholders as to any issues that may arise from the SONI governance arrangements in the light of recent, and the likely future, industry developments.

Responses received will assist us in identifying whether there are any issues with SONI’s governance arrangements and (if so) in understanding what steps may be needed to address them.

The responses to this call for evidence will help to shape our policy thinking and, in due course, may shape the content of a separate consultation.

Representations may be made on or before 5pm on 1 October 2019.

Responses can be sent in writing to or by emailing:

Natalie Dowey
The Utility Regulator
Queens House
14 Queen Street




Our preference is for responses to be submitted by e-mail.

Updated 12 August 2019 - Additional information on responding has been published on our website.