Decision on 2015 - 2020 price control for SONI and licence modification consultation


Consultation opened on . Closing date at 17:00.


The Utility Regulator is today publishing the SONI 2015 – 2020 final determination and proposed licence modifications.

The final determination sets out the SONI TSO (transmission system operator) allowed revenue to recover its operating costs, depreciation and a reasonable return on investment. This price control is for a five year period from 1 October 2015 to 30 September 2020.

A draft determination was published by the Utility Regulator in April 2015.

Five responses were received to the consultation.

In arriving at this decision the Utility Regulator has given all responses due consideration. There will also be further engagement with SONI throughout the price control period.

The SONI Ltd transmission licence requires modification to bring into effect this price control determination.  Today we are publishing proposed licence modifications to Annex 1 of this licence.  The formal (“Article 14”) notification of the changes and the marked up version of the proposed new licence are available for consultation.