Gas Licences
Designated pipeline operators
Premier Transmission Limited (PTL) operate the Scotland to Northern Ireland (SNIP) pipeline.
Belfast Gas Transmission Limited (BGTL) are licensed to convey gas from Ballylumford Power station to the Greater Belfast and Larne areas.
Gas Networks Ireland (UK) (GNI (UK) are licensed to convey gas in the North West Pipeline and the South North Pipeline.
West Transmission Limited (WTL) are licensed to convey gas through the Maydown Pipeline and the West Pipeline.
Northern Ireland Gas Distribution Companies
Phoenix Natural Gas Limited (PNG) operate the distribution network in the Greater Belfast and Larne areas.
firmus energy are licensed for the conveyance of gas within the towns along the route of North West and South North Pipelines. firmus Energy is committed to the construction of distribution networks in the towns of: Ballymena, Ballymoney, Coleraine, Londonderry, Limavady, Antrim, Armagh, Banbridge, Craigavon and Newry.
SGN Natural Gas are licensed for gas conveyance within the West distribution licensed area.
Northern Ireland gas supply companies
A number of companies hold gas supply licences to supply gas to consumers within the gas distribution network areas in Northern Ireland. These suppliers are listed below, however some of the companies holding gas supply licences are not active within the gas markets.
In addition British Gas Trading Ltd, AES Ballylumford Ltd and Power NI Energy Ltd (formally NIE Plc) each hold a licence to supply gas within Ballylumford Power station, and Coolkeeragh ESB Ltd hold a licence to supply natural gas within Coolkeeragh Power station.
Gas storage
Islandmagee Energy Limited (formally called Islandmagee Storage Limited) holds a gas storage licence in Northern Ireland. This was granted in 2012.
Current gas licence holders
Conveyance licences
- Belfast Gas Transmission Limited (BGTL)
- GNI (UK)
- Premier Transmission Limited (PTL)
- West Transmission Limited (WTL)
- Phoenix Energy - Distribution
- firmus Energy Ltd - Distribution
- Evolve
Supply licences
- SSE Airtricity Gas Supply (NI) Ltd
- firmus energy (Supply) Ltd - Ten Towns
- firmus energy (Supply) Ltd - Greater Belfast Area
- Flogas Enterprise Solutions Limited
- Electric Ireland
- Go Power
- Flogas Natural Gas Limited
- Energia
- Power NI Energy Limited
- SSE Airtricity Energy Supply (NI) Ltd
- SSE Energy Supply Limited
- Shell Energy Europe Limited
- Viridian Energy Limited
- Bord Gais Energy Ltd
- AES Ballylumford Limited
- British Gas Trading Limited
- Coolkeeragh ESB Limited
- ElectroRoute Energy Trading Limited
- ESB Gas Supply Licence
- EP NI Energy Limited
- EP Commodities
- Ceres Energy Limited
Storage licence
Gas licence fees
Details of the principles underpinning the methodology by which the annual gas licence fees are calculated is available here
Access to register of gas licences
The register of all gas licensees will shortly be available online.
Until then, the register will still be available for inspection at the offices of the Utility Regulator, Queens House, 14 Queens Street, Belfast, BT1 6ED. Additionally, where a map or maps form part of the documents provided in support of the application these are also available for inspection. Documents can be inspected between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
You should contact Karen McConnell, 028 9031 6342 ( to arrange a suitable time to inspect the documentation.