The Utility Regulator has today published a paper consulting on potential measures that aim to remedy gaps identified in the existing non-domestic regulatory framework. The overall aim of the consultation is to improve the retail energy market for the non-domestic consumer. ‘Improving the Non-domestic Consumer Experience’ was one of the projects committed to under our Consumer Protection Programme 2024-2029 (CPP24).
This paper will consult on the scope of coverage applicable to non-domestic consumer protection measures and six potential measures which aim to remedy gaps identified in the existing non-domestic regulatory framework.
These measures aim to ultimately improve the market for the non-domestic consumer, ensuring fair engagement and outcomes in the retail energy market for non-domestic consumers.
This consultation follows on from our ‘Review of the Regulation of the Non-Domestic Energy Retail Market’ position paper, published in May 2024.
For more information about the consultation and details of how to respond, please visit our consultation section