Approach to next price control for gas transmission system operators published

Today we are publishing our finalised approach to the next price control for gas transmission system operators (TSOs) in Northern Ireland. This price control, GT22, is anticipated to take effect from 1 October 2022 until 30 September 2027.

Our proposed approach is a further development on that adopted for the previous gas transmission price control, GT17. Following the receipt of responses to the consultation on our approach, we have considered stakeholders’ comments and made a number of amendments. We draw licence holders’ attention to our requirement for distinct reporting of the business plans of the GMO NI as distinct from the TSOs.

We have agreed the format of reporting required from licence holders and have requested business plan submissions at the beginning of July 2021.

We continue to monitor the development of the Northern Ireland Energy Strategy and will review the impact of the strategy’s content throughout the development of the price control.

Copies of this document will be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.