Consultation published on maximum resale price for electricity as it applies to ultra low emission vehicles

The Utility Regulator (UR) today publishes a consultation on the Maximum Resale Price (MRP) for electricity and its application to Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs).

We have a legislative power to set the MRP via a Direction and it is currently set at a cost pass through basis.

This paper explores the issues specific to the MRP and ULEVs, including a number of options for the treatment of the MRP going forward with associated questions for respondents.

We welcome respondents’ written responses to these questions (and any other information they consider pertinent) by 5pm 2 December 2019. It would be our preference to have the responses in email format.

Copies of all documents will be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.