Decision paper on Consumer Protection Programme published

The Utility Regulator is today publishing the Consumer Protection Programme (CPP) final decisions paper.

The CPP is a prioritised three year programme of projects designed to provide enhanced protections to domestic electricity, gas and water consumers, especially vulnerable consumers.

This paper provides our final decisions in regards to the proposals that were consulted upon in October 2018. 

We received thirteen responses to our consultation.

The paper details our decisions following the review of our Consumer Protection Strategy (CPS) which was launched in 2016.  We have reviewed and revisited the CPS, and made the decision that there will no longer be a standalone CPS.  Rather, within our new Corporate Strategy (2019-2024) there will be an identifiable CPP. 

The new CPP was developed through extensive consultation and discussions with stakeholders. We are grateful for their input and ongoing partnership delivery.

This final decisions paper contains the CPP project delivery tables; the CPP will be a prioritised three year programme and build upon the strong foundation of work that has gone before, both within the CPS and throughout the Utility Regulator. CPP projects which are not prioritised into the three year timeframe will be reconsidered at a planned CPP review point of 2022. It is our intention to review the CPP at the end of the three year delivery period.

Any comments or queries in relation to this publication may be addressed to:

Meadhbh Patterson, 
Utility Regulator,
Queens House,
14 Queen Street,
Belfast, BT1 6ED

Copies of this final decision paper can be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of minority languages if required.