Gas Regulation infringement tariff decision paper and licence modifications

The Utility Regulator is today publishing a decision paper on the tariff arrangements for the short-term daily capacity and virtual reverse flow products. These products have been developed in order to satisfy infringement proceedings against the UK under Regulation (EC) 715/2009 which replace Regulation (EC) 1775/2005.

We previously published a consultation paper on the tariff arrangements on 18 May 2012. The responses to this paper can be viewed here. We have considered these responses in coming to our decision.

Final Licence modifications

The introduction of the new products requires changes to be made to the conveyance licenses of the TSOs (transmission system operators) - BGE(UK) Ltd., Premier Transmission Ltd. and Belfast Gas Transmission Ltd.  We published the text of the licence modifications for consultation on 18 May and the text of the Final modifications is published below.

We received one response from BGE (UK), in reply to the BGE (UK) Gas notice. No responses were received to the other Notices. All the TSOs have consented to the licence modifications published today.  BGE(UK)’s response to the BGE(UK) Gas notice can be viewed here.

Copies of the documents can be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.