Information note published on phase 2 of the review of the effectiveness of competition

Protecting consumers is at the heart of the Utility Regulator’s role and ensuring there is sufficient competition in the Northern Ireland energy market is an integral part of our statutory duties.

Today we publish an information note on the second phase of our review of the effectiveness of competition in the Northern Ireland energy market.  The purpose of this paper is to formally communicate to stakeholders the commencement of this project and discuss our approach.

Phase 1 of this review assessed the state of competition in the Northern Ireland energy market and highlighted areas which may require intervention. It endorsed the maintenance of price controls on dominant suppliers as an appropriate regulatory response. 

This second phase of the review will consider the regulatory options for the Northern Ireland supply energy markets which could replace the status quo should the current form of price regulation cease.  We therefore intend to develop and critically analyse a set of options for the Northern Ireland market which can be used as a regulatory framework in the event that the current form of regulation is changed.