Review of Supplier TUoS Launched by SONI

The Utility Regulator would like to draw to your attention the review of Supplier TUoS that is being launched by SONI.

Review of Supplier Transmission Use of System Charging Approach

SONI launches a review of the Supplier Transmission Use of System charging approach in Northern Ireland. The aim of this review is to put in place an enduring Transmission tariff methodology which is appropriate for Northern Ireland. This review shall give consideration to any issues or concerns highlighted with the current methodology used in NI and shall aim to deliver a new methodology that is reflective of the objectives of all key stakeholders.

As part of this review process SONI will be examining best practice and shall be engaging with stakeholders to determine key objectives and proposals for the way forward. A paper outlining industry responses and potential new methodologies will be published in December for consultation with a policy decision by NIAUR issued thereafter.

SONI invites market participants to articulate their position on the following areas:

1. The Current Methodology for Supplier Transmission use of system charging
2. Key objectives for any new methodology to be introduced

SONI are keen to receive input from interested parties and are happy to discuss this process and listen to individual views – with this in mind SONI are available for a series of bi lateral meetings during November. If you wish to be included in one of these sessions or wish to detail your position in writing please email