The Utility Regulator is hosting a briefing for stakeholders on our draft Regulatory Price Control for NIE Networks (RP7). The briefing will take place after the draft price control determination has been published for consultation to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to hear the rationale for our proposed decisions. The draft RP7 Price Control is expected to be published by end of November.
NIE Networks is responsible for building and maintaining electricity transmission and distribution networks which allows consumers to access a secure supply of electricity. As a natural monopoly, NIE Networks is subject to economic regulation which provides protection for consumers in terms of quality and cost. The amount of revenue which NIE Networks collects via supplier tariffs is determined by the Utility Regulator through periodic price control reviews following scrutiny and challenge of the company’s plans.
RP7 is our seventh regulatory price control for NIE Networks, which will run from April 2025 – March 2031. Through the RP7 Price Control, we will assess NIE Networks’ plans for the development, operation and maintenance of its networks in light of consumer needs, while also considering the value NIE Networks can deliver in relation to the Northern Ireland Energy Strategy and the Climate Change (Northern Ireland) Act.
Stakeholder engagement plays an important part in our price control process. We encourage you to become part of this process to ensure we are provided with a range of responses that will help us deliver the most robust and informed decisions when we finalise the price control.
Your view will help shape a fair, affordable and just transition to net zero for all electricity consumers.
Event details:
Wednesday 13 December 2023, 9:30am - 11:30am (tea, coffee and scones will be available from 9:00am)
Riddel Hall, 185 Stranmillis Road, Belfast BT9 5EE
If you are interested in attending the event, please email electricity_networks_responses@uregni.gov.uk before 7 December 2023.
Further information published on RP7, including the Approach Document, can be found on our website.