Utility Regulator identifies key Forward Work Plan projects for 2008-2009

Key projects being planned for 2008/09 were outlined in a The Forward Work Programme 2008-2009 (FWP) which was published by the Utility Regulator today.  The publication can be viewed on this website or alternatively a paper copy can be obtained from Ian Campbell, the Utility Regulator, Queens House, 14 Queen Street, BELFAST, BT1 6ER. TEL: 028 90316628. Copies of the document will be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required. The Utility Regulator has a statutory duty to publish the FWP before the commencement of the financial year.

In advance of publication, the Utility Regulator carried out extensive consultation with stakeholders. The published FWP includes a summary of the consultation comments made and the Utility Regulator’s response.

In recognising that the Single Electricity Market, the development of an all-island dimension in gas and the review being undertaken by the Independent Water Review Panel will impact heavily on the Utility Regulator’s work, the FWP nevertheless identifies key themes and priorities for 2008/09. Seven key themes are identified: Retail Markets, Wholesale Markets, Monopoly Controls, Metering, Environmental, Quality of Service and Organisational Development.

Performance against the targets outlined in the FWP will be set out in the Utility Regulator’s Annual Report 2008/09