Utility Regulator publishes determination on NIE Energy Supply Price Control 2010/11

The decision paper details the Utility Regulator’s determination on a price control for NIE Energy Supply Ltd. The price control is to last for one year from 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011. The decisions have been made on the basis of information available, data submitted and meetings held with NIE Energy Supply. Also considered was the information received during the public consultation that ended on 18 February 2010, for which there were five responses from the following:

NIE Energy Supply
ESB Independent Energy
firmus energy
Phoenix Supply Ltd

Any queries regarding the price control should be referred to:

Nicola Sweeney
Utility Regulator
Queens House
14 Queen Street
or via e-mail: nicola.sweeney@niaur.gov.uk

Alternatively, paper copies can be obtained from Nicola at the above address or telephone 028 90 316622. Copies of the documents can be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of relevant minority languages if required.