The Utility Regulator is publishing a decision paper on Modifications to the PNG Conveyance Licence

The Utility Regulator is today publishing a decision paper on Modifications to the Phoenix Natural Gas Conveyance Licence
In April 2009, the Utility Regulator issued a consultation paper on proposed modifications to Part 2; Part 2; Condition 2.3; Conveyance Charges, Other Terms for the Conveyance of Gas and the provision of Conveyance Services.

The proposals set out a change from the inherent incentive on the licencee to maximise volume of gas consumed to an incentive to maximise connections to the network. Two responses were received (CCNI and Airtricity) both of which supported the proposals. The responses are included at Appendix 1 of the decision paper together with Utility Regulator comment.

The proposed modifications have been accepted as set out in the April 2009 Consultation.

Decision paper on modifications to Phoenix Conveyance Licence