NIE RP5 Price Control: Updated timetable

The Utility Regulator is today publishing a timeline for the next NIE T&D Price control RP5.  RP5 is the fifth regulatory period, due to commence in 2012. 

The current price control, RP4, ends on 31 March 2012.  RP5 will be introduced on 1 October 2012 rather than 1 April.  During the 6-month period spanning April – September 2012, an extension of RP4 will be implemented.  This is due to delays in receiving the full NIE RP5 submission which means the Utility Regulator now requires additional time to complete an assessment of the submission.

A Draft Determination will be issued this Winter which stakeholders are strongly encouraged to respond to.  During the consultation period, a series of stakeholder events will be hosted by the Utility Regulator with the support of the Consumer Council NI.  Dates and topics of these events will be confirmed in due course.