Micro-generation settlement consultation


Consultation opened on . Closing date at 18:00.


This paper seeks views on the methodology for ascribing the generated units to micro-generators for the electricity they generate and export to the Northern Ireland electricity distribution system.

Today the Utility Regulator issues a consultation paper to seek views on the methodology for ascribing the generated units to micro-generators for the electricity they generate and export to the Northern Ireland electricity distribution system. As part of our role in regulating Northern Ireland's electricity industry, our functions involve the licensing of electricity suppliers, generators and transmission and distribution companies.

This public consultation focuses on proposed changes to the existing arrangements for the methodology for ascribing the generated units to micro-generators for the electricity they generate and export to the Northern Ireland electricity distribution system. In line with the Market Registration Code (MRC) Change Control Procedure, we have been asked by the Central Design Authority (CDA) to consider two opposing changes to the existing arrangements.

When considering micro-generation, this consultation identifies the challenges that need to be addressed if an equitable approach is to be achieved to ensuring those who generate their own renewable electricity, for example from solar panels on their roofs, are assigned the correct level of units when they sell units that are not consumed on the premises into the grid.

Copies of the consultation can be made available in large print, Braille, audio cassette and a variety of minority languages if required.


Please contact Albert Shaw on 028 9031 6322 or email: Electricity_Networks_Responses@uregni.gov.uk with cc to albert.shaw@uregni.gov.uk to request this.