Decision published - Deferral of the start date of the next SONI price control

Today we are publishing our decision to defer the start of SONI's (System Operator Northern Ireland) next price control by one year.

In June 2023, we launched a consultation on a proposal, following a request by SONI, to defer the start date of the next price control.

After considering SONI’s request and having publicly consulted on the proposal, we have decided to defer the start date of SONI Ltd’s (System Operator for Northern Ireland) next price control by one year to start on 1 October 2026.

This will allow SONI time to appoint a new board, in accordance with the new licence condition Section 42 (Part A) and to implement a new medium-term strategy which will underpin its business plan submission.

We received three responses to the consultation which are available below:

  1. Consumer Council for Northern Ireland 
  2. NIE Networks
  3. SONI Ltd

Our consideration of the responses to the consultation is set out within the decision paper.