Summary paper on the minimum standards required from energy supplier Codes of Practice

The Utility Regulator is today publishing a paper explaining the minimum Code of Practice standards required from energy suppliers. This paper is designed to better inform electricity and gas consumers and consumer representative bodies (as well as potential future new supply licencees in NI) about the minimum Code standards.

These minimum standards relate to Codes of Practice that ensure energy consumers, and in particular vulnerable consumers, are protected in their relationship and dealings with electricity and natural gas suppliers. The minimum standards relate to the following Codes of Practice:

• Code of Practice on Payment of Bills;
• Code of Practice on Provision of Services for persons who are of Pensionable Age or Disabled or Chronically Sick;
• Code of Practice on Complaints Handling Procedure; and
• Code of Practice on Services for Prepayment Meter Customers.

Under their licence conditions, each energy supplier in NI is required to adhere to certain ‘minimum standards’ in their Codes of Practices. We have worked with suppliers over the last year to ensure that their existing codes already meet these minimum standards. This work is complete and all supplier codes now include these minimum standards and are available from their websites. 

Copies of the document will be made available in a range of accessible formats on request.

Information paper on the required minimum standards for energy supplier Code of Practices