Information Paper on project to consider Measures to Enhance the Operation of the Small Business Energy Market

Today the Utility Regulator publishes an Information Paper on a new project to consider Measures to Enhance the Operation of the Small Business Energy Market. The project is included in the UR’s 2017/18 Forward Work Plan.

Protecting consumers is at the heart of the Utility Regulator’s (UR) role and ensuring there is sufficient competition alongside consumer protection  in the Northern Ireland (NI) energy market is an integral part of our statutory duties. This applies equally to  business customers as much as domestic customers.

In 2016 the UR published its final decision paper for the Power NI 2017 Price Control.  This saw the removal of the price control from the remainder of Power NI’s small business customers.  In parallel, the CMA energy market review in GB noted concerns around the detrimental impacts on small businesses of some aspects of the energy market. Further, whilst carrying out the bi-lateral meetings with small business representatives as part of the Power NI price control consultation, a number of issues and concerns  with the market were highlighted to us.

In this context we plan to consider and develop a set of measures to enhance the operation of the small business energy markets. We will consult fully with stakeholders as we develop and decide on these measures. 

Whilst there is still price regulation for small business gas consumers we envisage these measures will apply to the small business gas market as well, as we are of the view they will not interfere with, but rather enhance, the gas small business market irrespective of whether price regulation exists or not.

This paper lays out the context for this project, key project considerations, and the timetable in which we aim to complete it.