The Utility Regulator today welcomes firmus energy’s announcement of an 8.77% reduction in their regulated domestic gas tariffs in the Ten Towns area.
Utility Regulator Chief Executive, Jenny Pyper said:
"This announcement of a reduction to firmus energy’s regulated gas prices in the Ten Towns area is great news for their customers. There are a variety of reasons for this decrease, including a significant increase in customers connecting to gas in the Ten Towns area which represents a growth in demand, and a fall in the cost of wholesale gas purchased by firmus energy.
"While we do not price regulate firmus energy’s tariff in the Greater Belfast area, their 8.77% reduction announced today is added good news for consumers. This brings their tariff in the Greater Belfast area broadly in line with SSE Airtricity Gas Supply’s regulated tariff in Greater Belfast, which has remained unchanged at this time.
“Significantly, this reduction means that firmus energy customers are continuing to benefit from amongst the lowest gas standard tariffs in the UK and RoI.
“The review of firmus energy’s tariff has involved a thorough analysis of all their cost elements. Our system of regulation ensures that regulated tariffs always reflect the actual costs of supply to consumers. As ever, we will continue to keep the tariff under review."
This tariff announcement marks the conclusion of a review undertaken by the Utility Regulator and firmus energy, in consultation with the Department for the Economy and the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland.
The reduced tariff in the Ten Towns area will come into effect on 1 October 2019. Our briefing paper on the tariff review has also been published.